MD Codes: A Systematic Approach to Facial Aesthetics
The MD Codes offer a systematic and non-surgical approach to facial aesthetics, aiming for natural results and prioritizing safety. This innovative system divides the face into anatomical units and subunits, allowing for targeted non-surgical procedures.
The MD Codes provide a simple and symbolic language for precise injection points on the face. They consist of 13 distinct areas represented by combinations of letters, numbers, and shapes. The letters indicate the anatomical unit, such as "Ck" for the cheek region. Numbers indicate the subunits within each unit, and their position can be superscripted or subscripted to indicate upper or lower areas. Cautionary areas are highlighted in red, and shapes represent different delivery techniques, such as bolus, fanning, or linear.
By following the MD Codes, clinicians can accurately determine the location, volume, device, and delivery technique of injectable products tailored to each patient's needs. This approach has significantly improved the safety of injectable facial treatments and has become a valuable educational platform for practitioners worldwide.
MD DYNA Codes: Dynamic Codes for a Facial Expression
MD DYNA Codes introduce a dynamic approach to injectable facial procedures. These codes provide specific technical information for precise product placement in relation to muscle fibers, allowing for modulation of facial expression.
By considering patients' expressions before the treatment, MD DYNA Codes aim to achieve natural facial expression outcomes and prevent or correct unfavorable results during animation. Developed based on principles of Dynamic Aging and Dynamic Beauty, MD DYNA Codes consider the chemical and mechanical myomodulation, as well as the physiological and histological properties of facial muscles.
Next Human: A Positive Aging Concept
Introduced by Dr. Mauricio de Maio in 2017, the Next Human concept focuses on aesthetic indicators and health markers that can contribute to a positive aging process in terms of physical appearance and overall health.
With the increasing life expectancy in our century, the Next Human platform aims to help individuals navigate the aging process and better prepare for the challenges that come with maturity. This platform relies on two main indicators: Aging Trigger Points (ATPs) and Health Markers (HMs).
ATPs are anatomical markers that, when activated, can accelerate the facial aging process. They can be divided into BATPs (Bone Aging Trigger Points) located in the deep plane and SATPs (Surface Aging Trigger Points) located on the surface of the face. Structural deficiencies and considering the volume and location of facial fat deposits are some of the aspects that are taken into account while mapping the face with the ATPs.
MD ASA: Multi-Dimensional Aesthetic Scan Assesment
MD ASA, short for "Multi-Dimensional Aesthetic Scan Assessment," provides a comprehensive framework for facial assessment, both before and after treatment. This hierarchical system guides clinicians in diagnosing patients effectively.
The hierarchy is divided into five groups (H1 to H5), covering facial messages, facial thirds and neck, periorbital and perioral regions, facial units and ATPs, and facial signs or patient concerns. MD ASA enables clinicians to analyze all hierarchies instead of solely focusing on the patient's primary complaint, as it often represents only a fraction of the underlying issues.
Facial assessment includes Emotional Attributes and Social Attributes, categorized as negative and positive. Negative attributes encompass tired, sad, angry, and saggy appearances, while positive attributes include attractiveness, youthfulness, contour, and gender-specific looks.
MD ASA considers facial symmetry, proportion, structural deficiencies, and distractions that affect facial messages. It serves as a valuable tool for treatment prioritization and patient follow-up, facilitating beautification and promoting a positive aging process.