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MD Codes Look Fundamentals - ON DEMAND

The MD Codes Look Fundamentals program is now available ON DEMAND.

In this course, Dr. de Maio explores advanced techniques for treating the periorbital area, focusing on providing eyebrow lifting, cheek definition, and tear trough improvement through detailed case study analysis. The course highlights the Cheek (Ck), Temple (T), Tear Trough (Tt), and Orbital (O) codes. By enrolling, you will have 30 days of access, allowing you to learn at your own pace.

Register now and deliver exceptional treatments to your patients.


✅ Course content:

- What are the MD Codes?

 - Introduction of the MD Codes Look

- In-depth analysis of all periorbital codes

- Strategic planning with active numbers

- Case study presentation and discussion

- Minimal approach with Ck1, Ck3, T1, Tt1, Tt2, Tt3

 - Knowledge assessment with the MD Codes Quiz


✅ General information:

- Course Language: English

- Investment: 300 USD (American Dollars)

- Access the course for 30 days, as often as you like, allowing ample time to delve into the material at your own pace.

- Take the time to analyze each segment in detail, ensuring a thorough comprehension of the MD Codes concepts.

- Access issues, we request you to notify us through our communication channels.

- It is essential to ensure that your notification falls within the 30-day limit so that we can promptly address any concerns you may have.

- Please be reminded that your access credentials are strictly personal and non-transferable.

- In the quiz section, if you achieve a minimum of 70% of correct answers, you will be eligible for this program certificate.

- This On Demand course provides an official English subtitle.

- Ensure you agree to the "Terms of Use" prior to obtaining this On Demand course.

- Payment for this course may take up to 48 hours to process and be confirmed.



Communication channels:

📞 WhatsApp: +55 11 94913-6254

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